Just wanted to make a checklist of the things that I need to fix....what could be better place than the blog.
Level 1
- I dont have a girlfriend.
- I lost my cellphone. The guy who found it wants to send it to me but everyday I forget his phone number at home, so cannot call him to send me my cell to my home. -- Done
- My car registration expired 3 months back. My car could be impounded and I might go to Jail. --- Done
Level 2
- I cannot get back-bay resident parking permit because my car registration expired. -- Done
- I got 2 parking tickets in June - 120 for handicapped area parking and 40 for invalid resident area parking.
- I cannot pay the 120 dollar parking ticket because the system does not recognize the ticket number and the customer service just keeps me on hold.
- I got 1 parking ticket in July - 25 bucks for being parked on street cleaning day. -- Done
- Someone knocked off my motorbike and so it is in the repair shop. Will cost 700 dollars in worst case.
- I moved and usps.com cannot recognize my old address for mail forwarding.
- Lost my credit card couple of weeks back. Did not get a new one probably because the new one went to the old address and there is no mail forwarding.
- The credit card I lost was used on almost all online transactions for bills - cellphone, EZPass, Calling Card for India and god knows what. All of them have started denying the service.
- The light bulb on my bedroom ceiling is fused. An extra light bulb is in my car but I forget everytime to bring it upstairs.
- Even if I have the bulb, the ladder is behind a closet which is blocked by my music system.
- My digital camera doesn't work anymore. The memory stick is also fubarred.
- I have 2 rental DVDs from Walmart which I have to return so that I can get 34 bucks. I need to call them before I can send it to them, so pending for 5 months now.
- I have 2 DVDs from Columbia house which I do not want. Need to return but don’t know the process.
- BMG Music is sending me stupid Audio CDs and charging my credit card, but I don’t know how to stop them.
- Don’t have a dresser or a bookshelf so my bedroom and closet are a mess.
- My PS2 is broken and does not play DVDs. I don’t have a DVD player.