Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Life without Skype
Skype today in my life is the same as Google. Any of them go down and there is trouble!
I want Skyyyypeeee!!!! Bring it back!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Extreme Ways
So I started digging into all the videos that have legally or illegally used this song. A few clips below
Moby's original
Bourne Supremacy
War Crime Shootouts
trunks tribute
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Facebook - Worlds Collide Theory
"This world here, this is George's sanctuary. If Susan comes into contact with this world, his worlds collide!"
- Kramer, in "The Pool Guy"
Something similar is happening to me on facebook now. Somehow all the daylifers are now my friends on facebook and I am changing my social settings now. Starting from my personal "Interested In", "Looking For" statuses and pictures, co-workers at Daylife started chatting about my personal life on the work skype chat. I saw my 2 worlds colliding - the personal world and the work world. Goddamn facebook opening up for everyone. And stupid me adding co-workers to my facebook profile. Linkedin is the right place for my work-world.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Caartoon with animals that talk
Atom films has a good collection of them. The one below is pretty amusing.
And this one on ordering Vegetarian Option at a steak restaurant...ahh..the tragedy of my life..
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Brand Entertainment
Example - the BMW Films "The Hire"ad campaign with Fallon (wiki).
Here is one of the bmw film starring Clive Owen and Madonna, directed by Guy Ritchie.
Other BMW films on youtube.
I believe that brand entertainment is a good idea. It captures my attention for much longer duration than a regular ad. Put a regular ad on, and, all i am trying is to skip it somehow - possible or not.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
"Advertising is not a sprint.
It's a marathon."
- Mike Hughes
President, Creative Director The Martin Agency
Monday, June 04, 2007
All About Advertising
Anyhow, I think I liked the start of the class. He started with how advertising is changing that is visible to the consumer. Things that came up in that discussion (really, it was interactive) - more mediums like online ads on cellphones and your websites, more contextual, more personalized, lesser control of marketers in terms of where the ads are being served, more global.
Kurt did have a good start for the class by showing us a few advertisements that have been successful either in creating a buzz or in terms of their creativity. The ads that he showed us:
1. 1984 superbowl ad for Apple: This ad was supposedly a big hit in terms of creating a buzz for Macintoshes and was talked about for a lot. No one had seen an ad like this before. It was directed by Ridley Scott (wiki), a famous english film director. He has the fame of directing BladeRunner and Alien and this ad no doubt has the same feel, look, and texture.
One thing that Kurt pointed out was that the zombie looking marching people in the ad were supposed to be referring the office workers who would always choose IBM when it came to buying their work computers. And of course the ad tries to blow away that paradigm and introduce something revolutionary for the office workers.
However, I don't agree that this ad was any successful if it really wanted to target the office workers. IBM has lost a large market share in the office PC market, but its not Macintosh that has replaced those IBM machines. Its Dell (interesting ad campaign article from 1999). I hope I find some time to research some Dell ad campaigns.
It was amusing to see that there are teaser Hillary clinton and Barack Obama ad campaign videos making use of this video.
Moving on, Kurt introduced us to AICP (Association of Independent Commercial Producers). According to them they specialize in producing commercials on various media - film, video, computer - for advertisers and agencies. Here are the 3 commercials he showed us:
1. Adidas "Hello Tomorrow" ad.
Director: Spike Jones
Music: Helen Sheppard
What I saw in it - the guy goes around different terrains, positions etc and then they end it with a tag line - "Intelligent shoe" and it all makes sense, at least to me. But again I dont think there is much of intelligence in any shoe, esp if its not made for just my foot shape and size.
2. XBOX 360 "Jump Rope" ad
McCann-Erickson took home the Best of Show American Advertising Federation (AAF) award for this commercial. From the press release:
This extreme double Dutch jump rope jam metaphorically captures the excitement and social aspect of the new generation XBOX 360. It was shot completely in-camera in one take. This is a beautifully crafted piece of work, and the soundtrack is inspired.
If its one take shot, pretty amazing - not sure how long it took them though. To me the ad was a good way of saying: hipsters, jump into the xbox gaming.
3. Hummer "Modernista" ad. This one is funny.
We had a good discussion about this ad as if it was too intense and created more of a negative image for the product. An interesting "anecdotal" fact that Kurt told us is that most of the hummer owners that he has talked to own it because they feel when the disaster comes to new york, hummer would be the safest car that can take them out of the city. Frikkin Aey!
And here is a regular stop for the hummers:
More Hummer images on daylife.
So this if my first class which is all about advertising.
Monday, May 28, 2007
My Hip Hop TV
We moved offices to a temp space called Sunshine Suites, the one at 419 Lafayette near Astor Place. In addition to the fancy lounge like waiting spaces, and the bathrooms playing sexy house chill music - they happen to be a home to a range of startups in the area.
One of these companies is HHTV (see'em on myspace). Their CEO Ganiu "Scrills" Ladejobi is this hip hop "dood" whose passion for hip hop is pretty obvious after talking to him for 5 minutes. Hip hop and HHTV in SCrills's own words:
Hip Hop is more than just music; it's a lifestyle, a culture, the very essence of people like me that grew up on it. With the world becoming more tuned in to Hip Hop, it is only right that we have our own avenue for spreading and enjoying our culture 24/7...And by our own avenue, I mean our own television network, where we can broadcast everything hip hop 24/7 for cats like me that live hip hop, and even for those who want to be a part of our culture. Well, to the hip hop nation, I give you HHTV- Hip Hop Television. HHTV is the world's first internet-based hip hop television network.
These kids seem to be doing some great work surviving in a highly competitive environment and producing some good shows. I would love to see them providing more user interaction on their site and let users create their own shows or channels. However, Scrills for now aspires to have his own TV network thats available on your cable box in addition to being online. With companies like Facebook (and hopefully Myspace) opening up their platforms, compenies like HHTV can exploit the POWER OF THE USER.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Indian consumer services market
The secret sauce - there are services in India that help you train for the visa interview. They assess your situation based on your logistics, of course - and how many times you have been rejected the visa before. They have a full list of questions that will be asked and how to answer them.
My sis took a 7 hour crash course to get trained on these Q&As. And 15 mins at the embassy and she has her visa. Exact same questions asked as she was trained on.
Finally, the fee - 100 dollars. wtf!
And really - you can get these training centers for almost everything - except adult education..I believe!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Surprise party by the kids!
In any it was my 29th birthday yesterday and my mom threw a surprise party for me with her friends - a group of around 10 kids 5 to 10 yrs old. These kids started banging on my door when I was dreaming and I almost felt that i am in middle of a fight. I woke up, opened the door and the kids shouted -- "SURPRISE!". It was a surprise - i had no idea what had been happening for last 2 hours. This is the second surprise party for me - the first one by Maryam and Aman was incredibly good.
So here are few pics below and the rest are here. It was a fun party and I had a great time celebrating my bday with these kiddos. Oh I sound like 29 yr old now...
Walking down the memory lane!

---YAY! me and my sis!

--- My sis 2 yrs old

--- My sis 9 months old!
Monday, April 30, 2007
I am pimpin'
Respected Dr. Gupta,
I am writing to you with regards to your advertisement in TOI Apr 29th looking for a doctor girl for your son (I presume).
My sister, X Gupta, is a beautiful 27 years old, very fair, 5'4" tall, sensible, sweet and a wise girl. She has completed her MBBS from ZZZ and aims to pursue her residency in USA. She has completed USMLE Step 1 and 2 and is in the process of taking her USMLE Step 3. She was born and raised in Lucknow and is convent educated. She has a very charming personality and at least I would say she is the best sister in the world :)...
A little about our family background - My dad, AAA, is a well settled businessman in Lucknow. He is one of the leading dealrers of BBB in JJJ for the last 10 years. My mom is a housewife and has been our caretaker and a perfect mom. Both me and my sister have always respected and cherished the values we have attained from our parents. I myself am a Computer Engineer - B-Tech from MMM, MS from USA and have been working there for the last 4 years. Currently, I am settled in New York.
We are actively looking for a groom for Ruby - someone who comes from a good family and preferably is a doctor. As X aims to study in USA we would prefer the groom to be working or studying there. I am sorry that I dont have a soft copy of my sister's bio data, so I am writing as much details as possible in this email. Your advertisement in TOI seemed to us like a good match and we hope the details above would interest you.
We would love to talk to you over the phone sometime and it would be great if you can email us your phone number. In case if you would want to call us, our home phone number is - XXXXXXXXX and my dad's cell is YYYYYYYY. I am currently on vacation at home until May 7th and would be back in New York after that. I could be reached there at ZZZZZZZZZZZZ after May 8th.
Thanks a lot for your time and we hope to hear from you soon,
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A little bit information about their editorial spirit - they are much more artsy than other newsie, corporate, glamour or sports magazine. here is a graphic statement from their recent issue - "Each issue, GOOD asks an artist or group to set the tone for the magazine with a visual interpretation of the theme." .. The images for the theme of this edition are pretty funny...esp the one with a road sign which says: "Ignore this sign"...
GOOD's story on north korea is pretty interesting - it almost felt like that the contemprary way of life there follows a very static thoughtline which is centered around the politics in the country. Even the religion is more like a political theory called Juche. Juche means achieving true chaju ("independence").
The article on Decongestion of streets in several European countries by encouraging people to use bikes is a great example of how in modern day life problems can be solved by masses adopting a simple solution.
Transperancy section exposes some interesting numbers like was sold in 5.5 million dollars by a a Korean-American Lee Hee-Joon to the ISP Thrune tin South Korea. Or sex.comwas sold in 14 million dollars to Escom.
** Daylife gave me this "Juche" idea center. Wiki does have a better picture of it.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Products for The Man
I am surprised that marketing teams for these companies are ready to miss on attracting the female homo sapiens..oh well..whatever works..for the man!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Daylife at NYC tech meetup
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Mashing up Visual Search and Shopping
Necase, the reason I am writing this post is because of their new venture called amazing how these guys mashed the idea of visual search and shopping. I think this is the killer in the next generation of online shopping. People love celebrities and people love buying what their celebrities are wearing...Check it out..its pretty sweet!
Also, started a new venture to sell shoes, handbags Its all coming down to online shopping for the girls!

Life comes to Daylife went live today at 11:00 AM EST. Moment of truth has arrived...Traffic is being was exciting..although people here at work just clapped..I was expecting Champagne..(i know its 11 AM but we launched)...
I think perfect way to start a new year! launch products! ... i think i am lucky that I am seeing this 3rd product being launched in 3.5 years of my career..pretty neat!