Monday, October 17, 2005

Good Night, and Good Luck

Amazing Amazing movie...the storyline is precise, accurate and to the point..the actors fit the characters in the best possible manners. And its a Clooney movie - how can it go wrong...I think I am moving on to journalism..such a fantastic career - u r working everyday on something new and its just so intriguing and adventurous..

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Miami escapade

Whatz wrong in my life?

Just wanted to make a checklist of the things that I need to fix....what could be better place than the blog.

Level 1
- I dont have a girlfriend.
- I lost my cellphone. The guy who found it wants to send it to me but everyday I forget his phone number at home, so cannot call him to send me my cell to my home. -- Done
- My car registration expired 3 months back. My car could be impounded and I might go to Jail. --- Done

Level 2
- I cannot get back-bay resident parking permit because my car registration expired. -- Done
- I got 2 parking tickets in June - 120 for handicapped area parking and 40 for invalid resident area parking.
- I cannot pay the 120 dollar parking ticket because the system does not recognize the ticket number and the customer service just keeps me on hold.
- I got 1 parking ticket in July - 25 bucks for being parked on street cleaning day. -- Done
- Someone knocked off my motorbike and so it is in the repair shop. Will cost 700 dollars in worst case.
- I moved and cannot recognize my old address for mail forwarding.
- Lost my credit card couple of weeks back. Did not get a new one probably because the new one went to the old address and there is no mail forwarding.
- The credit card I lost was used on almost all online transactions for bills - cellphone, EZPass, Calling Card for India and god knows what. All of them have started denying the service.
- The light bulb on my bedroom ceiling is fused. An extra light bulb is in my car but I forget everytime to bring it upstairs.
- Even if I have the bulb, the ladder is behind a closet which is blocked by my music system.
- My digital camera doesn't work anymore. The memory stick is also fubarred.
- I have 2 rental DVDs from Walmart which I have to return so that I can get 34 bucks. I need to call them before I can send it to them, so pending for 5 months now.
- I have 2 DVDs from Columbia house which I do not want. Need to return but don’t know the process.
- BMG Music is sending me stupid Audio CDs and charging my credit card, but I don’t know how to stop them.
- Don’t have a dresser or a bookshelf so my bedroom and closet are a mess.
- My PS2 is broken and does not play DVDs. I don’t have a DVD player.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Tribecca Film Festival

Short videos at this link:

The one named 'Street Therapy' is awesome. It just is amazing to see the everyday frustrations of people at one place.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Smoking is dangerous for health but hot for chicas! what is better: smoke and meet some hot chicas coz i guess smoking does hold some fashion value outside the clubs or save your lungs!... i guess it depends at what stage in your life you are...if you are not going to the clubs and crazy parties you definitely dont need to smoke..else dont missing giving a smoking kiss (literallly) to the hotties!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I did it again..I lost my whole set of apt keys 2 weeks back...and today I again left my keys inside my apt and locked myself out...I am out of the building and searching for my keys in my pockets..but not there...this girl (btw very cute) lets me into the building but I am thinking how to break into my own apt dooor..and guess what.. the old set of keys that I lost are on top of the fire extinguisher ... this is a bad sign for sure that someone has a copy of my apt keys now... how the hell would a person know that a random set of 3 keys belongs to my apt...any least for now I can drive to work!..oops i am at work..start WORKING!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Ultimate Frisbee rox

I have been thinking to start my blog and I feel so happy today after playing ultimate frisbee that I decided that the time has come...the sleeping Lion needs to wake up (ask Sean) .... and I was so good at it...well not really but not bad either.... I had gone for a run near the charles and there was this random group of people playing...I asked them and they let me unhappy that I did not have any money on me and so i cudnt join them for beer and pizzaa....but neways..lots of fun!